Fiber Optic Sensing Technology

Fiber optic sensing is not constrained by line of sight or remote power access and can be deployed continuously with detection at every point along its path. Cost per sensing point over great distances cannot be matched by competing technologies and often existing deployed fibers can be utilized.

Fiber optic sensing works by measuring changes in the “backscattering” of light occurring in an optical fiber when the fiber encounters vibration, strain or temperature change. The fiber serves as sensor over its entire length, delivering real time information on physical surroundings and security and pinpointing the precise location of events and conditions occurring at or near the sensor cable.

Fiber optic sensing can be deployed to continuously monitor vehicle movement, human traffic, digging activity, seismic activity, temperatures, structural integrity, liquid and gas leaks, and many other conditions and activities. It is used around the world to monitor power stations, telecom networks, railways, roads, bridges, international borders, and critical infrastructure, terrestrial and subsea power and pipelines, and downhole applications in oil & gas, and enhanced geothermal electricity generation.

Fiber Optic Sensing can determine:

  • Sound / Vibration
  • Temperature / Vibration
  • Temperature Only
  • Strain Only
  • Temperature / Vibration / Strain / Sound

This modular hardware and software is unique in the world and has world leading specifications and software development for false positive minimization and maximum flexibility for specific in-situ customer needs. The systems can be for above ground and buried pipelines, with sensitivity and performance appropriate for each type or combined above and below ground installations.

Personal Alarm & Mobile Asset Protection

Personal Safety Devices – For Lone Worker Safety, Telecare and Mobile Asset Protection

Lone Worker Safety

Lone workers are those who work alone without close or direct supervision. Employers of lone workers are responsible for ensuring that lone working employees are at no greater risk than other employees. TWIG personal safety alarms are dedicated devices designed for multiple lone working situations.

Lone working employees are not automatically exposed to higher risks and hazards than other employees but the fact of being in a risk situation alone increases the vulnerability. Moreover, this vulnerability will depend on the type of situation in which the lone work is being carried out.

Lone worker risk assessment

Lone worker risk management begins with assessment of the risks faced, such as accidents or violence. Solutions to address those risks can then be developed and deployed. At the lowest risk level, a normal smart phone may be sufficient to call for help. A safety phone with alarm button, doubling as mobile phone, is often suited for moderate risk scenarios. A dedicated lone worker alarm may be required in high-risk situations, for best quality safety functions as well as to reduce multitasking risks in the device itself.

One worker in fixed establishment

Stationary lone worker is the only person in fixed place e.g. in kiosks, petrol stations and shops. Small businesses often use lone workers, e.g. a shop might be staffed by just one worker at any given time.

Working outside normal hours

Cleaners, security, retail service workers, maintenance or repair staff, agricultural and forestry workers etc. are examples of occupations requiring working in the evenings and at night.

Advantages for Lone Worker Safety

A Variety of LVP Functionalities
A variety of lone worker protection (LVP) functionalities: GPS, Man-Down alarm, 2G/3G, SRDs (short range devices), ATEX, Amber alert, indoor positioning, high-power speaker, compatible accessories<
Compatible Devices
TWIG Devices are compatible with many existing ARC systems and with ever new ones using TWIG Integrator Kit. New TWIG devices are also backwards compatible with prior ARC integrations.
Reliable Durability
The durable, waterproof and easy to use TWIG personal alarms with long-lasting battery ensure the lone worker safety in emergency situations.